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Category Archives: Education

Fuzzy Math

Let me stray a bit from politics. In this morning's Globe we learn that the Superintendent of Schools of Mansfield, Massachusetts has resigned after giving a graduation speech in which she plagiarized someone else's graduation speech. In my opinion, the punishment doesn't fit the crime, at least if the only crime were plagiarism. Plagiarism is […]

Charter School Madness

The swine belly up to the trough: Tax benefits and real estate investment may also explain why Wall Street is so hot on raising money for charter schools. On Monday night, April 28, 2014, hundreds of Wall Streeters gathered at Cipriani in Midtown Manhattan to raise funds for Success Academy Charter Schools. Former Florida Governor […]

We won’t get no education

But we’ll have plenty of thought control A few months ago I opined that the drift in our educational system (so well documented by Jonathan Pelto at Wait, What?) is toward the corporate model that has transformed the rest of the country. I predicted that we would soon see most of our education dollars going […]

Excellence in Education

I've mentioned the concept of “rent seeking” before. Here's a handy definition: The expenditure of resources in order to bring about an uncompensated transfer of goods or services from another person or persons to one's self as the result of a “favorable” decision on some public policy. The term seems to have been coined (or […]

Someone should be “candid” with Bill Gates

When Bill Gates decided to take his billions and go home, he also decided to inflict his philosophy, such as it is, on the rest of us. One target was our teachers. Gates solution to our non-existent educational crisis was to inflict the same regimen on our teachers that he inflicted on workers at Microsoft, […]