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Daily Archives: August 31st, 2007

An oldie but goodie from John and Stephen

The Singin Senators, featuring former Senator Larry Craig in better days (for him): [youtube][/youtube] Which, but the way, was added to youtube by Myleftnutmegger. This may not stay up long, considering Comedy Central’s scorched earth policy re: youtube.

Friday night music-the Clash

Know your rights [youtube][/youtube]

Iran war coming

Must reading at firedoglake. Bush-Cheny want a war with Iran, and the Democrats have played right into Bush’s hands: Throughout this inexorable march to war, the Democratic Congress has done worse than nothing. They’ve voted for resolutions condemning Iran without having the factual basis for knowing what Iran is doing or intends, relying only on […]

Let’s sell hope

The incomparable Krugman points out what many of us in the internet wilderness have said at one time or another : There’s a powerful political faction in this country that’s determined to draw exactly the wrong lesson from the Katrina debacle — namely, that the government always fails when it attempts to help people in […]