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Daily Archives: December 28th, 2007

I demand a column in the New York Times

The newspaper of record is about to hire Bill Kristol to regularly ooze political poison on its op-ed page.. Is it too much to ask that the Times at least try to hire people who know what they’re talking about? Here, I set Maureen Dowd to the side, as her columns are all really about […]

Drinking Liberally in Mystic, Take 2

So far, response to our announcement about the inaugural meeting of the Southeastern Connecticut chapter of Drinking Liberally has been good. It looks like we may have a pretty good crowd. Both Representative Betsy Ritter and State Senator Andy Maynard are going to try to make it. Andy suggests that we make predictions on the […]

Choosing evil, the Republican way

Much is being made in the blogosphere today about the article in this morning’s Times in which we learn that Rudy tried to help Purdue Pharma stave off federal prosecution for misleading pretty much everyone about the dangers of Oxycontin. The tale is sordid, and apparently not unique. As one blogster noted (I can’t remember […]