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Daily Archives: March 28th, 2008


Regular readers of the excellent blog Pharyngula can stop right here. For the rest of you folks, I must bring you up to date on a controversy brewing in the ongoing wars between scientists and crackpots over evolution. It has been covered extensively at Pharyngula, whose blogmeister, PZ Meyers, world renowned atheist and biologist, was […]

Friday Night Music

Okay, I do this with some reluctance, but I am sick of cold weather, and this song, California Dreaming by the Mamas and the Papas, came to mind. I know they are something of a cliche, but the song brings back pleasant memories. I searched in vain for a non-lip synched version, but could find […]

Mind Boggling

According to MSNBC the nations investment banks are borrowing an average of 32.9 billion dollars a day from the Fed. I think even nowadays that’s a lot of money. The total proposed budget for the state of Connecticut for the fiscal year 2009 is about 18.4 billions, which means that the banks are borrowing a […]