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Daily Archives: August 3rd, 2008

Losing it

It’s pretty clear that this is going to be a dirty election. Obama has the choice of getting dirty, or losing. Just like Kerry. A modest suggestion. Suggest ever so subtly that McCain is, shall we say, losing it. At this point he appears to be already as senile as Reagan was when he left […]

And it wasn’t so nice to call her a trollop, either

So far as the mainstream press is concerned, this incident never happened, except apparently it did. Anyway, it’s a funny video (via Suburban Guerilla): [youtube][/youtube]

That’s “Yogi”, with a “Y”

Yesterday took place the last Old Timers Day game to be held at the present Yankee Stadium. The front page of the Courant’s sports section (paper, not on-line edition) has a picture of an aged gnome identified as “Jogi Berra”. Jogi? Surely someone was asleep at the editor’s desk. I have decided to believe that […]