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Monthly Archives: December 2008

George Bush and the pardon power

Might I direct the reader’s attention to the discussion over at Talking Points, particularly this post, about Bush’s attempt to “revoke” a pardon that he granted to a scam artist from Long Island. First let me confess that if not for my own laziness I would have written about this before. As soon as I […]

Tragic News from Up North

Happy Holidays

I’m shutting down for a few days. Before I go I’d like to wish everyone Happy Holidays. I’d also like to thank two of my long time readers (who are also great Democrats) for sending those eCards to my wife and me. We’ve enjoyed them immensely. I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather lately, […]

Failing Upwards

Folks of my generation will no doubt remember the Peter Principle, first propounded by Dr. Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull in their book of the same name. Peter and Hull proposed that in any hierarchical organization, a person tends to rise to his or her level of incompetence. This principle has long since been […]

Sock and Awe

Try your hand at hitting the dirty dog with your shoe. My wife’s definitely not a video gamer, so it took her a while, but she got a kick when she finally got him. The first time I went I had to refresh before the game appeared. I got him twice on my first go […]

Still fun to beat this dying horse

This morning’s Times has a post mortem on one of George Bush’s many failures: the housing crisis. The Times credits Bush with genuinely wanting to increase home ownership. I refuse to do that, since I don’t think he’s ever actually wanted to improve the lives of ordinary people. He has done what needed to be […]

Friday Night Christmas Music

Well, what else could you expect the Friday before Christmas? The following song is on my Ipod Christmas playlist. It seemed like a good choice. Unfortunately, I had a choice between a video with poor quality audio that wasn’t so obviously lip synced, or one with better audio but bad lip syncing. I decided to […]

Coleman, Franken, and partisanship

It looks like Al Franken may be winning the recount in Minnesota. While I was trolling the net this morning I came across this article at Rolling Stone, by Matt Taibbi at Rolling Stone about the recount, Coleman and Franken. It’s a fun article, and well worth a read. Taibbi makes a point at the […]

Not buying

Obama has responded to the fury from the gay and lesbian community, (not to mention the fury of those who believe women have the right to choose to have an abortion) at the choice of Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at the Inauguration. (Via Salon): Let me start by talking about my own views. […]

Righteous anger

What is it about Democrats? Republicans bend over backwards to mollify their base, even if they don’t deliver for it. Bush went so far as to talk in code to the religious whackjobs who he was conning. So what does Obama do? He hasn’t even been sworn in and he has offended a major constituency, […]