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Daily Archives: March 29th, 2009

Sunday Night Entertainment

Reagan Legacy

One of the most irritating things that Democrats do is concede to the far right’s claim that Reagan was a great president. He was half senile even then. He catered to racists, and made war on the environment and the middle class. It’s good to see a little pushback.

Local Boy Wanders through Europe

Audrey Heard sent this link to me a few minutes ago. It has very little to do with politics. It’s written by her grandson, Sam Greenfield, brother of Jay Greenfield, who was an avid volunteer campaign worker in Groton a few years back. Sam is a junior at NYU, but this year he’s studying in […]

City Headquarters Opening

A few pictures from the Grand Opening of the City Democrats Headquarters Opening. First, by way of a reminder that next month the Town Democrats will be hosting a fundraiser to honor the two Nancys, DeMarinis and Driscoll, here they are with Ted Moukawsher: While this picture doesn’t reflect it, the turnout was actually pretty […]