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Daily Archives: April 14th, 2009

A few announcements

Two events this weekend. Saturday the Groton Democrats will honor Nancy DeMarinis and Nancy Driscoll, both of whom richly deserve the recognition. Nancy DeMarinis is a former state representative of long standing, and Nancy Driscoll is a union activist and campaign worker extraordinaire. If you want to learn how to make get out the vote […]

Noted in Passing

According to the print edition of today’s Day (page B4), property owned by Susette Kelo, located at 6 Chappell Street, is about to be sold at a marshal’s sale due to non-payment of taxes. Can’t someone find a way to help her extort a few bucks from New London because of this?

Verbal Gymnastics

We lawyers are often called upon to formulate rather elaborate ways of avoiding saying something that we would rather not say. It’s a bit of an art, really. The trick is to avoid conceding a point while sticking to the literal truth. Sadly, when you need to do such a thing, you’re probably fated to […]