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Daily Archives: January 23rd, 2012

How private equity works

 Good, concise explanation at the New Yorker of how private equity companies like Bain work, and how these exemplars of private enterprise depend on government subsidies of one form or another to thrive.  Part of the process: load the acquisition with debt for the sole purpose of paying yourself a special dividend: As a result, […]

Here they go again

 The Obama folks may be working toward a deal with the banks that essentially transfers more money to….you guessed it…the banks. 

Scotty Walker writes to my wife

Somehow, and no matter how it was, it was she did nothing to deserve it, my wife has ended up on a right wing mailing list. It first started with Sharon Angle (remember her?) and as these things will, it has metastasized until just about every right wing organization is writing to her. She normally […]