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Monthly Archives: August 2016

Ethically challenged John Scott flunks Trump Test

It’s not every day that a Republican Congressman is both less ethically challenged than my local State Representative and is, nonethless, facing ethics charges in the House, so I really must submit the facts to a candid world: Texas Rep. Roger Williams is an auto dealer, and he has come under scrutiny by the House […]

I feel his pain

Matt Bors, a cartoonist who posts at Daily Kos, has a problem: I feel his pain. Many of the blogs I visit regularly spend a lot of time explaining why Donald is wrong about this or that, or why we can indeed interpret his most recent (I think it’s his most recent) moronic statement to […]

A loathsome person

The only time I ever voted for a Republican was in 1988, when I voted for Lowell Weicker, who was running against the loathsome Joe Lieberman. The only time I voted for Joe Lieberman was once by mistake, when I forgot to skip his lever on the old voting machines, and once in 2000, when […]

Profile in Courage-Not

I have a very soft spot in my heart for the state of Maine, as that is where I got my college education, but I’ve never understood how Mainers cannot see through Susan Collins, and before that, her compatriot in “moderation”, Olympia Snowe. Until we were freed from him in 2006, we denizens of Connecticut’s […]

Running in place, and other observations

“Now here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!” Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass This quote came to mind when I stumbled on this post by Wolf Richter, […]

Trump opens mouth, doesn’t lie

Strange but true. It seems Hillary raised $90 million dollars last month, while Trump raised $35.8 million. Trump didn’t just drop that in to remarks, he bragged about it.  “It’s gonna be announced tomorrow or the next day: we’ve raised, we think, about $35.8 million. This is unheard of for Republicans, $35.8 million,” Trump said. […]

No, Trump did not make the stupid party

Sometimes it amazes me. The New York Times has an op-ed columnist with a Nobel Prize in Economics, but it appears no one at the Times reads his columns. How else to explain that someone let a Republican (Max Boot) write an op-ed piece claiming that the Republican Party has only recently become the actual […]