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A third way

For the life of me I really can’t understand how people like David Sirota can deal with complete idiots like Grover Norquist:

The man is a one trick idiot.

I would like to suggest, however, that there is a third alternative to Obama either sticking with his original tax plan or keeping the Bush tax cuts for the rich in place until 2011. His original plan was designed to be revenue neutral. If he delivers on his promised cuts for the middle class, and leaves the rich alone, that would not be revenue neutral. Presumably that’s okay, given the crisis we are in. Since we are abandoning the revenue neutral aspects of the plan, why not figure out how much of a “deficit” we would be running if we didn’t raise taxes on the rich. Then, raise them anyway and give the middle an even bigger tax break, taking care to see that the “deficit” remains the same. The stimulative effects of putting more money in the hands of lower earners will be much greater than the like effects from preserving the rich people’s tax cuts. In other words, tax the rich and give the middle an even bigger break.

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