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Contrast and compare

At the Washington Monthly Steve Benen writes about the fact that the right may be opposing Sotomayor out of a generation old sense of grievance about the confirmation battles involving Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas. He suggests they take the advice that they, including Scalia, have given us about Bush v. Gore: get over it.

This may be yet another of the stark differences between the Republicans and Democrats that make it into the seat of power. Perhaps due to their affiliation with elephants, Republicans never forget. For reasons completely inexplicable, Democrats never remember. As Krugman has been pointing out lately, Democrats seem to qualify as insane, if one accepts the definition that one is insane if one continually does the same thing expecting a different result. In the case of the Democrats, they have been continually trying to “compromise” with a group that has no interest in reaching agreements, and, even worse, leading with what they consider to be a reasonable compromise position instead of starting with a strong initial position and bargaining from there. And let’s not forget about the fact that, unlike those of us on the outside, Democrats in Washington “got over” the stolen 2000 election before Bush was even inaugurated. If the Democrats were the opposition in Iran, the country would be quiescent today.

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