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Sotomayor voted a racist, 5 to 4

My mind is boggled.

The Supreme Court has overruled a case in which Judge Sotomayor participated, which proves that she is a racist. That, according to Limbaugh, et. al. Much of the media duly repeats that the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Ricci case somehow proves something about her, as a person, a judge, or both.
Of course the Supreme Court ruled against her position, despite the fact that it was well grounded in precedent. Only the Supreme Court has the right to reverse otherwise binding precedent. It was a given that they’d do so in this case. This court knows of no minority group more victimized than white men. And isn’t it odd how it’s now perfectly okay to call someone a racist on the flimsiest evidence if their alleged bias is against white men, but it’s considered unseemly to make the better founded charge that perhaps the white guys (and one wanna be white guy) in the Supreme Court majority may have a problem in that respect, not to mention the white male Southern Senators who are flinging the charge at Sotomayor.
It would have been far more disturbing if she’d sided with the Supreme Court majority view. We didn’t elect Obama to appoint judges that think like Roberts, Scalia, Alito and Thomas. Thankfully, it looks like he hasn’t. It’s now incumbent on Pat Leahy to tell those white Southerners where they can go with their demands for more time to smear her.
Query, suppose the court had voted 5-4 to uphold Sotomayor. Would her detractors be telling us they had her all wrong and she isn’t a racist? Not likely.

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