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Poor Obama… and why they didn’t have wine.

Mel Brooks may have been right about how good it was to be the King, but it’s not always that great to be the President. Consider today’s meet and greet among Obama, Gates and Crowley. Crowley had “Blue Moon”, a more than respectable brew that I personally foreswore only when I learned it was a product of the evil Coors corporation. Gates had Red Stripe, a Jamaican beer with which I’m not familiar, but which I would daresay is worth drinking. What did Obama have?

Bud Lite!

The only thing one can say in its favor is that it passes unaltered through the human body, exiting in the very same state in which it enters.

Why did Obama choose the worst of all brews? Could it possibly be that he actually prefers to drink that abominable concoction? Never believe it!

Consider his dilemma, however. This is the guy who was criticized during the campaign for using a reasonably decent mustard, instead of good old American French’s. (I know that sounds odd, but you know I’m right). Had he chosen a decent brew the story of the day would have been Obama’s elitism. Sure, it’s okay for a Cambridge cop to drink Blue Moon, but for Obama, only the lowest common denominator, and I do mean both lowest and common, will do.

And this brings us to the question of wine. Many commentators mentioned that Gates was more a wine than a beer guy. But wine was out of the question. When you drink wine with someone you share a bottle. Poor Gates and Crowley would have had to drink whatever Obama had on offer, and I’m not sure you can still get either Ripple or Boone’s Farm.