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Upcoming nuptials

This holiday season has seriously cut in to my blogging time, no doubt to the relief of many.

Yesterday, my wife and I hosted an event sponsored by the Groton Federation of Democratic Women. Some Democratic men showed up as well, though I am somewhat reluctant to admit we segregated ourselves into a separate room from the females. Among the guests were 94 year old George Swift and 85 year old Dee Harrell, pictured below, who recently announced their engagement.

Both George and Dee have been members of the RTM since prehistoric times. They are both testaments to the truism that keeping active makes for a long life. Besides serving as a member of the RTM, George keeps busy driving cancer patients to their doctors appointments. Dee also serves as the president of the Groton Federation of Democratic Women.

This is doubly good news for us Groton Democrats. Every year we raise money by inflicting a “person of the year award” on one or more people. George and Dee have made this year’s choice an easy one.

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