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A New Year’s Tradition

About ten years ago my wife began a New Year’s tradition of making cinnamon buns on New Year’s Day. Unfortunately, something happened and the buns went unmade for the years twixt then and now, though the tradition endured as an aspiration, so to speak. This year it has returned in a blaze of glory, somewhat transmogrified, into sticky buns, which are depicted below.

These pictures illustrate a truism, at least one that applies to me. Food is the most difficult subject for photography. The first picture shows the buns in their original baked state, the second, flipped over, with the caramel and pecan coating showing in their fully glory. Unfortunately, we didn’t think to flip them over until we’d already eaten two of them.

First thing this morning I trekked to the Mystic Y and swam a mile. Then I came home and had one of these sticky buns. According to my handy little Iphone app, there are more calories in one of these buns than I burned in over half an hour of swimming. Life is not fair.

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