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25% man

Joe Lieberman’s approval rating in Connecticut is at 25%. He has managed to alienate voters across the board, losing points with Democrats, Independents and Republicans. Quite a feat.

I made the point a few months ago that his machinations on health care have been motivated by pure spite, and I think these poll results support that theory. There was no classical political calculus to it: he wasn’t being true to any discernible principles; he was only marginally serving the interests of potential contributors; and he was not trying to improve his re-election chances. I would take odds that he simply won’t run again. He has had lots of satisfaction undermining the Democratic party, and he has three more years to wreak more destruction, enabled by the spineless Democratic party itself.

After that, he’ll settle comfortably into a sinecure at some right-leaning think tank, from where he can, for big bucks and easy hours, continue to pontificate about things he knows nothing about.

In the meantime, Connecticut, we’re stuck with him, and we have no one to blame but ourselves.

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