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Perry grabs the lead

Rick Perry is now the leading candidate for the Republican nomination, hopefully proving only that no one really likes Mitt, and they will consider any alternative, until that alternative demonstrates that he or she is insane, which, luckily for Mitt, they all eventually do. Still, as H.L Mencken said,
“no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public”, so it is entirely possible that we could get this moron as our next president, the memory of Bush (Jim Hightower says “Rick Perry is George Bush without the intelligence or ethics” ) perhaps dissipating more quickly than we might think. But I’m going to go out on a limb here, and actually bet on the American people (even the very stupid subset of Republicans) are not that stupid, and that Perry will wither on the vine as people get to know and loathe him. Of course, I’m not willing to put up real money where my mouth is. The odds aren’t that good. We must consider, after all, the Republican trend since Nixon, with each president, Bush 1 a possible exception, worse than his predecessor. Bush 2, being the worst ever, should be hard to top ( or is it bottom?) but Perry bids fair to steal the bottom slot should he get a chance.

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