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Random thoughts on the SOTU

 A few days ago I expressed the hope that Obama would go for the votes, and not the money, by rejecting a proposed sweetheart deal in the bank fraud settlement talks. It looks like he’s done that, and that, at least rhetorically, he’s turned up the heat and given his talk some credibility by appointing Eric Schneiderman to co-head the investigation. (See here, however, for a view that is, at least for the moment, more cynical than mine).

One thing that Obama has going for him on all of these inequality issues is that the Republicans are so pathological. Like Pavlov’s dog, they are conditioned, so whatever he says they immediately take the opposite position. He really should try declaring that the sky is, without doubt, blue, just to see how many of them would take the bait. The idea of the rich paying a tax rate at least equal to what the rest of us pay is actually quite popular, for reasons that are mysterious only to Republicans, but that won’t stop the Republicans from attacking the idea. No matter how much they whine about job creators they will be on the losing side of this issue, especially if they nominate Willard, the poster boy for the inequities of our tax system.

Speaking of Willard, it really is beginning to look like, as between him and the lizard, Newt would be the stronger candidate in the general. I’ll say it again, Obama is the luckiest guy in the world.

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