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Still not convinced, but wavering

As regular readers (if any exist) of this blog all know, I am agnostic shading slightly toward atheistic with regard to the existence of god. Today I write that despite recent events,  I remain so, though I admit that my lack of faith has been shaken by recent developments.

Some might argue (though oddly enough, so far as I know, no one has) that only a good and loving god could have raised Ricky Santorum to a commanding lead in the polls. Certainly, they might say, no purely natural explanation can be given for the fact that, if only transitorily, the majority of one of America’s two political parties has embraced the 13th century, thus almost miraculously enhancing the chances that the semi-sane party will prosper. As they might go on to say, this is proof not only of god’s loving kindness, but of his (or her) highly developed sense of humor. Only the god who watches out for fools, drunks and the United States of America could have given us such a gift, and as a bonus, they might say, he has induced the entire Congressional delegation of the Republican party to make common cause with the pedophile enabling Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church to make contraception unavailable to millions of American women. Only a god, they might say, with a keen sense of irony could have arranged events in such a way. Not only that, they might say, but we liberals get to watch the Republicans frog march themselves to their doom, against what one must hope is their better judgment, drawn ineluctably by the logic of the situation they have created for themselves, for truly has it been said, as you sow, so shall you reap. Manna from heaven, it could surely be argued, was not a greater or more unlooked for gift.


I admit that this is all certainly evidence that is consistent with the existence of a god. (Loki maybe) But while such seeming happy miracles are necessary elements in the theist’s case, they are not sufficient to prove it.  No, I would say that in order to make his (or her) case, god would have to deliver the presidency, the House and the Senate to the Democrats this fall. This would require that he (or she) prevail not only against the money arrayed against the hapless Democrats, but more miraculously, against the Democrats incredible talent for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. There could be no natural explanation for such an outcome this year. Alternatively, he (or she) could give us Ricky in August. What fun that would be.

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