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A plug


Ever since I got my Ipad, I have searched for the perfect app on which to write these blog posts. I now think I’ve found it. Actually, a combination of apps, that together do everything I need.

The first is called Writing Kit, which allows you to edit Markdown documents. There are lots of apps that do that, but Writing Kit has built in researching capabilities (a mini-search app and a web browser) and support for pinboard, which means if I find an interesting article on my RSS reader (Mr. Reader, also the best after a long search) I can save it to pinboard, easily access it in Writing Kit, and instantly paste a selected quote into a new post, along with a nicely formatted link. Once I’m done writing, I can export the entire document as HTML and paste it into Blogsy, which, (and I’ve tried them all) is the best blog editor on the platform.

The only problem is that I have to remember to use a special apostrophe character rather than the keyboard apostrophe, because Markdown uses the apostrophe as some sort of marker, and it translates to a string of characters when it’s translated to HTML. (See, I deliberately screwed up back there, and the word “it’s” turned to gibberish).

So, if you happen to be looking for an excellent tool for drafting stuff to post on-line, take a look at the Writing Kit app.


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