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A bit more on “free trade”

A bit of a follow up to a recent post on the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership pact. Dean Baker, who I mentioned in my post, takes issue with Paul Krugman's comments that the trade pact is no big deal. Baker agrees that as a trade deal it's a nothing, but that is not the point:

Anyhow, Krugman is on the money in his assessment of the impact of the TPP on trade. But the point is that the TPP is not really about trade, it's about changing the regulatory process in ways that would almost certainly be opposed by the people in most of the countries included in the deal.

via Beat the Press

In short, its about handing legislative and judicial power over to the corporations. Here's Mussolini on that subject:

Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.

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