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Willard winning in Michigan

As I write this, Willard Romney is ahead in the Michigan primary, a consummation devoutly to be wished. Romney is best described by a word that rhymes with “prick”. Nonetheless he has my endorsement for the Michigan primary. In South Carolina my man is the Huckster. Hell, I’m even hoping Giuliani will win a race or two. Keep the pot boiling. We need an openly bleeding candidate to come out of this process.

Here’s my fantasy. Huckabee gets to the convention with a plurality of delegates, say 40%. The corporate wing of the party puts its foot down and mandates that the party coalesce behind a corporatist. The party, of course, obeys, and the evangelicals stay home.

I hasten to add that this scenario is not probable, but it is possible. Wouldn’t it be loverly?

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