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Greetings from Vermont

We have been in Vermont since Friday on our annual trek. Readers of this blog have been spared for the last several days due to the unfortunate fact that, over the weekend, we could not connect to the wireless network in the house we’re renting, due to a password issue. Thanks to the very helpful realtor who rented the place to us, the situation is now rectified, and our three days without internet, which seemed like an eternity, are now over. My gain is your loss, as I am now back.

However, I have nothing to say about current events, because I am somewhat blissfully unaware of what is going on out there. That will now change, now that we are once more snared in the World Wide Web.

So, a few Vermont pictures. We like to visit the Farmers Markets. This year we went to the market at Brattleboro. It is truly amazing how beautiful everyday objects can be when properly arranged. It almost seems like the farmers compete to see who can display their vegetables to the best advantage. I mean, do the carrots at Stop & Shop ever look this good?


Or the garlic?


Politics tomorrow, maybe.

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