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Both sides always do it

A great example of the “both sides are at fault” meme in today's Boston Globe.

The facts are really quite simple. Republicans have pulled out all the stops to obstruct Obama's diplomatic appointments. It matters not whether any particular nominee arouses their wrath; they will oppose anyone. Those are the facts on the ground, and they really won't go away, but they can always be ignored, which is what the reporter in question valiantly does in this piece.

It is not the Republicans that are at fault, it is “the Senate”. Republican obstructionism is portrayed as a by-product of impersonal forces that no one can truly control. Republican attempts to blame Democrats for their own obstructionism are passed along with nary a comment about their irrationality. We are supposed to accept that Republican obstruction is justified because Harry Reid changed the Senate rules to prevent even more thoroughgoing obstruction. This sort of thing has real consequences over time. The Republicans can avoid accountability for their crimes as long as they can count on a media that blames both sides.

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