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Deliver yourself from evil

When Google was founded it adopted a motto: “Don't be evil”. At least at Google, that motto has long since been set aside, and to the rest of us, it has merely become ironic. Now Apple has taken a slight swing at Google, and I thought I would highlight it a bit.

Now, don't get me wrong. I fully appreciate the fact that Apple is evil too, but if there must be evil in the world, it is better that the evil empires do battle with one another on occasion than that they spend all their time picking on us peasants.

So, to specifics. Several months ago when I first heard about the changes coming in iOS 8, I heard that Apple was going to add DuckDuckGo as a choice for the Safari default search engine. I have heard zero about it since then, and forgot about it until today, when I checked, and indeed, you can choose to bypass Google for the far less evil DuckDuckGo. I have several apps that allowed me to use DuckDuckGo as a default even before iOS 8, and I've found its search results to be as good as Google's, with no ads, and they don't track you. Or at least they say they don't. I don't know how they make money, but I don't much care. When I have the choice, I use their search engine. So, don't be evil. Go to your settings App on your iDevice, and take Google out of a piece of your life. No, you can't escape them. They will probably always know where you are, and what you're doing at any given time, but it might make it just a little harder for them.

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