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A corollary

Upton Sinclair once said: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

Self evidently true.

I believe I have discovered an equally obvious corollary to Sinclair’s observation:

It is easy to get a man to believe something, when his salary depends on his believing it.

This is the most charitable explanation for the fact that there are people in New Hampshire (all, apparently, members of Trump’s staff) who claim that they actually want Donald Trump to not only run for president, but to win.

Speaking of Trump, I was briefly puzzled by the fact that he became an announced candidate. He surely does not expect to win, and unlike the Carsons and Santorums, he has no need to keep his name out there to get speaking fees from the yahoos. But, as I said, I was puzzled only briefly. The Donald may be the first person to run for president simply because he needs people to pay attention to him. It is surely a sign of the decline of our empire that not a single one of the announced Republican candidates is remotely qualified to be president. It will be a certain sign of our decline if one of them gets elected, which is not as unlikely as many people seem to think.

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