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Justice Roberts (and Kennedy too) gives the Republicans a gift

Today’s Supreme Court decision upholding Obamacare subsidies was precisely what most Congressional Republicans wanted, except for the precious few true believers among them. They now have the best of both worlds. They can complain bitterly about the decision, thus pleasing their base, without any risk of electoral fallout at the hands of those who would have lost their insurance had the court ruled the way they say they wanted it to rule. Had the court struck down the law, the Republicans might have been forced to act responsibly, something they’re adverse to doing, and, in fact, something of which they are constitutionally incapable. The relief must be palpable, especially among those such as Paul Ryan who would have been responsible for coming up with a Republican alternative. The sad fact is that the Obamacare system is about as right wing as you can get and still deliver something approaching universal health care; any workable alternative would have to veer toward socialism.

Pity poor John Roberts, who has saved his party, but is now the target of its hypocritical scorn. Well, wasn’t it Harry Truman who said that if you want a friend in Washington, you should get a dog. Roberts is probably at the pet store now.

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