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Ready to Die

Glenn Beck is looking for a few good men to lay down their lives:

Next week, Religious Right activist Jim Garlow will be hosting a four day conference at his California megachurch called the “Future Conference: What You Thought Was Coming … Is Here Now.” That sort of a dire warning perfectly matches up with what Glenn Beck has been saying for the last several months, so naturally Beck invited Garlow on to his radio program yesterday to promote the event.

Garlow’s conference is coming at the perfect time, Beck said, because society is about to collapse and America needs passionate pastors who are willing to give up their lives if necessary in the fight against the coming persecution of Christians. Fortunately, the Black Robe Regiment that he and David Barton established a few years back has managed to cobble together at least 10,000 pastors who are willing to do just that.

“The number in the Black Robe Regiment is about 70,000 now,” Beck said. “The number that I think will walk through a wall of fire, you know, and possible death, is anywhere between 17,000 and 10,000. That is an extraordinary number of people that are willing to lay it all down on the table and willing to go to jail or go to death because they serve God and not man.”

Garlow was in complete agreement, saying that the necessity of being willing to die is “honestly where we are.”

via Right Wing Watch

I am having a bit of difficulty imagining a scenario in which the willingness of the 10,000 or more could be tested. If I were cynical, I would assert that the number of the willing is inversely proportional to the risk. To be honest, when I first heard about all these men of the cloth willing to lay down their lives, the first thing that came to mind was this scene from the Life of Brian:

Am I hoping beyond hope in expecting Glenn to lead the black robes to death and glory?

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