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Bernie should count his blessings

An analysis of network television news coverage reveals what supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders have long suspected; the three broadcast television networks are intentionally ignoring the Sanders campaign.

Eric Boehlert of Media Matters has the revealing details:

So in terms of stand-alone campaign stories this year, it’s been 234 minutes for Trump, compared to 10 minutes for Sanders. And at ABC World News Tonight, it’s been 81 minutes for Trump and less than one minute for Sanders.

via Politicus USA

I wouldn’t complain if I were Bernie (I just found out that he did). His message is getting through to the people who are receptive to it, since there are a lot more channels for information now than there were, say, 16 years ago. If the corporate media choose to ignore Bernie, it means they are passing up the chance to smear him. That may come all in their good time, but there does come a time when the public perception is set in stone, and it becomes much harder to change opinions, particularly in a time when people have so many choices of news sources. No doubt the corporations will someday squeeze the independent voices off the internet, but that hasn’t happened yet. So Bernie is lucky that the Sunday morning shows or whatever are ignoring him. They are losing their chance to shape the narrative about him, and when they get around to doing that they may find it’s too late.

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