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Goodbye, Little Marco

This morning I opened up the New London Day (always a depressing way to start the day), and soon found myself brought up short when I read this:

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio ended his once-promising campaign after his devastating home-state loss, so the GOP primary is now down to three candidates: Trump, Kasich and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.(Emphasis added)

It was an AP article, and I couldn’t get by the Day’s password barrier, so no link to the Day, but you can read the entire article here.

Now, I can’t claim to have followed this campaign more closely than everyone else in this benighted land, but I’ve paid close attention, and I must admit, it entirely escaped my notice that Marco’s campaign was ever promising.

I know that for reasons that escape me, DC bubble denizens wanted it to be promising, and saw hope where the rest of us saw only failure. It was obvious from the day he announced that Marco Rubio was going nowhere. How could these people not see that? The self delusion apparently continues. My wife told me that after Rubio finally surrendered, Chris Cillizza immediately tweeted about his prospects for the Florida governorship or another presidential run in 2020. This is a guy who lost by 20 points in his home state (that would be Florida), probably because he was a self indulgent asshole who decided that being a mere U.S. Senator was beneath him, and didn’t bother to work even when he wasn’t running for president full time, but Cillizza thinks that the people of Florida will turn around and hire him to be governor after rejecting him by a landslide in a Republican primary. News flash to pundits: He’s toast. This time next year he’ll be a lobbyist, a Fox News analyst, or pensioned off to a right wing think tank. Or, Donald Trump may make him an apprentice.

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