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I’m flattered, but…

One thing you can say for our Republican State Rep, John Scott: He may or may not be voting for Donald Trump, but like the Donald, he can’t stop himself from replying to any tweet or Facebook post that targets him, even when most people with an ounce of sense would see an advantage in staying mum.

Check our this screenshot from the Groton Democrat’s Facebook page:

First of all, John, I’m flattered. While I would be proud to claim authorship, I didn’t write that post, though I confess I know who wrote it and actually did see it before it went up. I thought it should be a letter to the Editor, or maybe to Dave Collins, who still hasn’t caught up to you to have you weasel out of answering directly to him.

But, let me respond as if I did write it. Here’s the thing, John, I’ll defend Malloy when I think he’s right, and attack him when I think he’s wrong. I’ll admit right out front that I voted for him in 2014 because, as is always the case, the Democrat was head and shoulders better than the alternative (that would be the Republican, John). Heck, he’s offended me most in his support for the charter school/school privitization movement, and there’s no question that his opponent would have been even worse.

But, John. I’ve watched Donald Trump, I’ve heard Donald Trump, and Dan Malloy is no Donald Trump. He’s not a racist homophobe, who, if he performs as promised during the campaign, will lead America down the road to fascism. Any person running for public office in this country, from the Senate to dog catcher, owes his or her potential constituents an accounting of whether that candidate wants to take us down that road. You’re just afraid of offending the base, John. Why don’t you just admit it instead of trying to change the subject, like you Republicans always do. There are times, and this is one of them, when the public has a right to expect a politician to put their own interests aside, and…, you know,…do what’s right. Oh, and if you do see the light, try to bring Andre and Heather along. I would really like to know if Andre supports the racist at the top of his ticket, or Heather supports the misogynist.

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