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Second Epistle to Dave Collins

In light of recent events, yet another letter to Dave Collins is in order.

Dear Dave:

Good job. Well, reasonably good job, though you really have to do what we Catholic school kids were told to do before confession. Yes, an examination of conscience is in order. You really have to try to figure out why serving honorably as a state employee disqualifies someone from legislative office. Also, why you think it’s so important to screw state workers out of their pensions. Did you make the wrong 401k elections or something?

But let’s put that aside. Let’s get back to the Trump test, for your work is far from over. Heather Somers is not the only local candidate who failed the test. Let’s remember your final condition on the test:

“Everything else — like still thinking about it — is a fail.”

Now, it won’t surprise you to learn that John Scott (you know, the guy whose obvious conflicts of interest have failed to interest a certain columnist at the Day) has also failed the test. It’s not that he’s “still thinking about it”. He just won’t say. He says it’s none of our business (and therefore none of your business), who he’s going to vote for and why aren’t we talking about the true threat to the Republic: Dan Malloy, which is the only thing, according to John, that we should be talking about. I’m sure you’d agree that one would be splitting hairs to say that John’s position is qualitatively different than “still thinking about it”, because the test requires that the test taker denounce Trump, and John is hardly doing that. I know you’re aware of what John has said, because we sent you the ill considered comment that he put on the Groton Democrats Facebook page.

So, there’s another “F” here on the eastern side of the river, and it’s only fair to Heather that you bring it to everyone’s attention. Otherwise you risk being called out for sexism.

While you’re at it, you might turn your attention to Aundre Bumgardner, who has more reason than Heather or John to denounce the Donald. He has gone silent. Who knows why. Maybe his for-profit charter school backers and the CBIA prefer that he keep quiet. I can’t answer for him, but we sure haven’t heard a word. In any event, it’s long past the time for these folks to put up or shut up; and since they’ve shut up, it’s time for you to send them to the same perdition to which you consigned Heather.

I realize that in your world a conflict ridden insurance agent and a never employed, non- taxpaying college dropout are probably superior to an accomplished attorney and a general foreman of a custom metal fabrication shop, town councilor and drug treatment advocate (so long as they have that “R” next to their name) , but after promising to vote for one of those despised ex-state employees, you’re in a bit of the same boat as Macbeth:

I am in blood
Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more,
Returning were as tedious as go o’er.

Well, you’re not exactly steeped in blood, but you did say you were going to vote for a Democrat, and for you, that’s practically the same thing. Still, believe me, it’s easier to go o’er than return, and a lot more justifiable. You won’t believe how good you’ll feel when you vote that straight Democratic ticket. Sort of like Darth Vader when he returned from the Dark Side, only you don’t have to die in the process.

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