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An Open Letter to Aundre Bumgardner

(For those who don’t reside here in Groton, Aundre Bumgardner is the state representative from my district, which also includes a slice of New London. )

Dear Aundre:

Well, it looks like you’ve passed the Trump test. Instead of voting for your party’s standard bearer, you are going to vote for Gary Johnson, the guy who has never heard of Aleppo. You said so last night at your debate with Joe delaCruz. Aundre, I know you were in a tough spot, it being sort of difficult for an African-American, even one who has affiliated himself with a party that has specialized in race baiting for the past 48 years, to back an open racist. But Aundre, I think you owe your consituents a bit of an explanation. If you’re voting for Johnson, you must, perforce, feel that the country would be better off if his policies were implemented rather than Hillary Clinton’s. Of course, there’s every possibility that you haven’t the slightest idea what the man stands for, but I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt. So, Aundre, can you tell us why you support the following:

  • Eliminating public schools. (Actually, this one should be easy for you, since you’ve been the beneficiary of misleading pamphlets by the for-profit charter school industry.)
  • Abolishing Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Abolishing the Internal Revenue Service and the income tax, replacing that tax with a regressive national sales tax.
  • Eliminating all environmental regulations, thereby assuring that global warming will proceed apace. But then, maybe you agree with Gary Johnson that we shouldn’t worry about global warming because in a billion years the sun will swallow the earth anyway. Why, it’s just around the corner.


That just scratches the surface of course, Aundre. You must also know that the Libertarian party has also historically opposed civil rights laws because, after all, the freedom to discriminate trumps (sorry about the use of that word) any right any group might have to be free from discrimination, regardless of the context. Because, you know, …liberty.

But perhaps I’m being unfair. Perhaps you don’t know any of these things. It’s the “Libertarian” party. It has the word “liberty” in it, and maybe that’s good enough for you. Why should you bother to educate yourself about the beliefs and history of a party you’re supporting on a one-shot basis when you’ve never educated yourself on the history of the party with which you’re actually affiliated.

But explain to us, whether you know what you’re doing or not, why should we make the same mistake we made in 2014 and send you back to Hartford? Wouldn’t we all be better off, including you, if you went back to school and took a few history classes?

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