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Ronald McDonald-hedgehog killer


Cute, isn’t (s)he? He (or she) is a hedgehog and scores of its furry brethren have met a fate worse than, wait, a fate equal to death- mainly death, through the miracle of modern design from one of the many American incarnations of evil, the McDonald’s corporation:

Many German hedgehogs have been found dead in recent years after meeting a strange end — they got their heads stuck inside McDonald’s McFlurry containers and starved as a result. The company has gone back to the drawing board and will now introduce a new, hedgehog-friendly design for its dessert lids.

Actually, the company went back to the drawing board almost two years ago, but only recently managed to come up with a design that isn’t hazardous to the cute little creatures. The must have put it on the fast track. Now if they could only come up with a design that would prevent people from getting at their food, they’d save even more lives.

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