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Comey, redux

After my post yesterday, I feel it’s only fair to admit that there has been a tad more Democratic pushback against this blatant interference in the election than I expected. If anyone had any doubts about the inappropriateness of Comey’s action, or the fact that it was not legally required, they are dispelled here.

There are some indications that Comey was bowing to pressure from New York FBI agents, who were replaced after they failed to push the investigation into Eric Garner’s murder. And who can blame them? Looking into Anthony Weiner’s pathetic perversion is far more important than figuring out if a black guy was needlessly murdered by the New York police.

That brings me to my final question. Why is the FBI wasting it’s time on Anthony Weiner in the first place? Isn’t that something the local cops can take care of, if it’s worth pursuing at all. Maybe they could spend a few minutes trying to track down those folks with Indian accents, but totally American names, that keep calling me from Microsoft tech support offering to fix my non-existent Windows computer. How many more Americans will be conned by that bunch while the FBI is trying to figure out if Anthony Wiener’s wiener spent too much time out of his pants?

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