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Yet another modest proposal

The Democrats must be doing something right, as the Republicans are beginning to give them well meaning advice, about how all this resistance is just such a bad idea. You always know that Republicans are running scared when they start telling Democrats where they are going wrong.

Anyway, along the resistance front, an idea occurred to me while reading Paul Krugman’s column this morning, in which he makes the point that the Trumpists are poised to take maximum political advantage of any terrorist attack that might occur. Similar, but more extreme than what the Bushies did after 9/11.

It seems to me that the Trumpists are not just warning about the risks of a terrorist attack. They are actively inviting one and, in fact, hoping that one occurs. What better way to achieve a number of ends. The “Patriot Act”, would look constitutional next to whatever repressive measures they would enact following any type of terrorist incident, and it would come in so handy to distract the yahoos from the fact that he is betraying them on the domestic front.

So, given this reality, which is obvious when you think about it, wouldn’t it make sense for the Democrats, with one voice (ha, ha, I know what Will Rogers said), to pre-blame Trump for any terrorist attack. They should be explicitly accusing him of wanting a terrorist attack and inviting it by his actions. It has the merit of being true and it might serve to inoculate the body politic once the inevitable occurs. They should, of course, be prepared to go the next step, and continue blaming him after it happens.

UPDATE: That was quick. Fearless leader Chuck Schumer still hasn’t read the writing on the wall.

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