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What’s the big deal?

I’m really puzzled about all the attention people are paying to the recent shootings in Florida. I thought we had, sub silentio, agreed that we weren’t even going to talk about mass shootings, unless the shooter broke a record. This guy didn’t even come close. Granted, he holds the record for this year, but even though we’ve seen mass shootings nearly every day this year, the body counts have been relatively low, so this latest shooter still isn’t in the big leagues. All those other shootings got almost no press, which seems unfair to the other shooters, who, I’m sure, we’re trying their best. It also seems so unfair to Republicans, who have to say prayers for the victims again, and decry the Democrats for politicizing the issue instead of bemoaning the fact that there’s really nothing that can be done about it. We really need to set some ground rules on these things. I think Republicans should only have to offer their thoughts and prayers when the body count exceeds a reasonable number; say 30. They should be permitted to ignore the low yield shootings, so they can concentrate on creating a plutocracy. And can’t we all agree that it’s disrespectful to the victims to advocate for gun control right after a mass shooting, and a waste of time any other time, since at such points there’s no demonstrated need to discuss it.

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