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Hypocrisy ahead?

I’ve mentioned the Palmer Reporta few times in this blog, and I confess I still take a sort of guilty pleasure in checking it out on a regular basis. My overall impression is that the facts are usually accurate, though the conclusions drawn therefrom are often a little out there, although usually entertaining.

Anyway, today the Report is passing on a report that the Stable Genius has paid for not one, not two, but possibly eight abortions, each recipient of said abortion being subject to one of those non-disclosure agreements of which the genius is so fond.

Let me pause to say that I have no doubt about the fact that such women exist, though I have no idea of their numbers. I don’t believe I’ve reduced this rant to a blog post, but if called to testify my wife could confirm the multiple times I’ve orally ranted about the certainty that such payments have been made. So, once again, in my not so humble opinion, Mr. Palmer (assuming he wrote the linked post) has the facts right.

But once again, the conclusions drawn are suspect, and I must part company. In a follow up posthe speculates about the impact such revelations would have on the genius’s evangelical base, including hypocrites like Pat Robertson:

But more than even this, as noted, abortion is a nuclear hot button within the more extreme flavors of conservative Christians. Campaign finance violations or no, there can be little doubt that should evidence of Trump’s abortion underwritings surface with evidence, it could do significant damage to his diminishing support.

This could be a pill simply too bitter for some of his more zealous religious base to swallow, let alone cloak in the hypocrisy of denial. If Donald Trump really did impregnate several women and cause them to undergo abortions, it may turn out to be a bodyblow that not even the recently self-anointed “great moral leader” will be able to evade.

His religious base will gladly swallow any pill that their religious leaders tell them to swallow, and those leaders care not a whit whether Donald Trump paid for no, one, or a thousand abortions. They’re not in it out of religious principles and they don’t really care about abortion, that’s just a hook that’s been handy to keep the brain dead fish on the line. (Is that metaphor too strained?) To paraphrase Randy Newman, it’s money (and power) that matters. It was easy enough for them to look the other way when he talked about grabbing pussies, so they’ll have no trouble deflecting from this, if doing so continues to serve their interest. The Republican base has shown a remarkable ability to believe whatever they are told to believe by Fox News, Pat Robertson, and the other scam artists that pull their strings. They can also, at the behest of their puppet masters, change their beliefs at the drop of a hat, while never even acknowledging their own inconsistencies. In addition, faced with mountains of contrary evidence, they have, up to now, been happy to believe anything the liar tells them. If this becomes an issue, he’ll lie about it, and, again assuming it is in their interest, Fox News, Pat Robertson, et. al., knowing it to be a lie, will strategically accept that lie as true, and blame the liberal media. Their slack jawed followers will eat it up. People of reason will marvel at their ability to believe the unbelievable, but we’ve been doing that for years with no affect on them.

Once Trump is out of the way, the story will change. He, like W before him, will be dismissed as not a true conservative, and suddenly his moral transgressions (sex stuff, not stuff like ripping kids from their parents) will matter. But while he’s president, and lining the pockets of folks like Robertson, a few abortions won’t make any difference.

That’s my take. I hope the story has legs, so we can find out if I’m wrong.

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