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There’s only one issue

I’m not a Michael Bloomberg fan, though I’ll vote for him if need be, but I give him credit for one thing. He seems, more than any of the other candidates, to understand that the central issue in this election is Donald Trump. Sure, better medical coverage, anti-trust enforcement, Green New Deals, are worth talking about, but Trump should be front and center. In the end, if we’re going to win, it will be by making the election about the stable genius.

Not only do some of the presidential candidate not seem to understand this, but the party nabobs don’t seem to have a clue. It was always a given that the Senate would acquit Trump. Yet to all appearances, the House Democrats appear to have taken that acquittal as proof that they should let up on their investigations, as though beating the drums on Trump’s perfidy should stop now that he’s been acquitted in a sham trial. I don’t seem to recall the Republicans shutting their mouths about Bill Clinton’s peccadilloes, which paled next to Trump’s, and, as an historical reminder, the Democrats lost the next presidential election, or, at the very least, it was close enough to enable the Republicans to steal it.

I very much doubt there will be presidential debates this year, as I doubt Trump would risk debating anyone but Biden. But I have this fantasy of those debates happening, and the Democrat using all of his or her time simply listing, one after the other, all the heinous and criminal things Trump has done. Besides keeping him on defense it would drive him crazy and he might have a meltdown right then and there.

Afterword: The above was written as a draft yesterday, before the debate, during which I understand Bloomberg bombed in response to Warren attacks. That brings up another debate fantasy. It would be nice if every person on the debate stage made opening remarks to the effect that everyone standing on the stage (as well as almost anyone in the audience) would make a better president than the criminal currently occupying the White House, and that whatever happens, he or she will support the person who comes out on top.

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