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Technical Difficulties

One of my readers said he had problems posting comments. When he tried, he got a message to the effect that comments were turned off to prevent comment spam. I never turned the comments off, but I have, since I found out about his problem, upgraded my spam filter, which I hoped solved the problem.

I’d appreciate it if anyone landing here could leave a comment below, and then follow up with an email (click on “Contact me” at the upper right), and let me know if you had a problem.


UPDATE: Well, this is strange, because the person who was having trouble was told he was from a network known for spamming, but he is in fact on a perfectly respectable network. I have switched spam filters. I hope this works, and I hope I don’t start getting inundated with spam. The other filter worked pretty well, but it makes no sense to keep it if I can’t whitelist anyone. Anyway, you can STOP sending comments on this post. Feel free to comment elsewhere. Thanks.