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Contrast and compare

Over at Americablog, John Aravosis writes (I quote in full):

It’s time for someone in the media to ask who this cynical liar is running for president under John McCain’s name, because he’s not John McCain.

Actually, it is John McCain. He is now, and never has, been any different than any other Republican. In 2000 he just figured he could get some mileage by pretending to have integrity. That didn’t work, so he’s trying full bore sleaze.

But return with me now to those thrilling days of yesteryear, for they help make Aravosis’ main point. Remember all those articles, including some in the New York Times, pontificating about Al Gore’s problems with the truth, all of which problems were, in fact, grounded in lies spread by Republicans. See the Daily Howler’s archives for complete and exhaustive details on that.

McCain’s problems with the truth are real and objectively verifiable. Al Gore never said he invented the internet, but John McCain did say that Sarah Palin sold a state plane on eBay at a profit, he repeatedly lies about Obama’s tax plan, he lied when he said that Obama wanted to teach kindergartners about sex before they learned to read, and he is breaking out new lies about Obama every day. They aren’t even pretending to have facts to back up what they say anymore.

Will we be treated to frank and accurate reporting about John McCain’s problems with the truth? For that matter, will we be seeing articles about the transformation from John McCain, man of integrity, to John McCain, serial liar and the man who approves of the sleaziest ads in American political history? No we will not. Why? Because there’s a vital difference between the Gore story and the McCain story. Let’s turn to a representative of the press to explain why we won’t be hearing about McCain’s problems with the truth:

Well, the problem with that story is that it’s fact-based, and fact-based is clearly not as interesting as fiction-based.

UPDATE: From Robert Greenwald:


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