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Dodd on the comeback trail

The Daily Kos poll has Chris Dodd within four of Simmons and ahead of Foley, both of whom are largely undefined to most Connecticut voters. Three of the four Republican candidates are raising big bucks, so we can expect some bloodletting to take place on that side before the big show takes place. Gabe Rosenberg (whose emails I get since I’m a member of the Dodd Squad) says it’s a statistical tie with Simmons, since the numbers are within the margin of error. But that cuts both ways, Dodd could actually be even farther behind.

In any event, there’s every reason to think that the winner of the Republican primary will be a weaker candidate for the experience. Those guys, as we know, play rough, and there’s no reason to think that Simmons’ opponents won’t be beating him up on a regular basis. I could be wrong, but I think it’s going to be a contest to see who can tie the other guy most closely to George Bush.

By the way, I really don’t expect there to be much be way of fireworks on the Democratic side. Could be wrong, but I don’t think so.

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