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Equal justice under the law

A Republican/conservative activist illegally films an idiot at Acorn giving absurd tax advice. Acorn loses its federal funding, the conservative is hailed on Fox, and no one suggests that the heavy hand of the law should reach down to punish the only real illegality uncovered-the filming. Another conservative illegally tapes a phone conversation among a group of people at the National Education Association. There is no outcry against the illegal taper.

Return with me now to the thrilling days of yesteryear, when John Boehner and other Republican thugs were illegally, with apparently no malice aforethought, taped by a California couple using a store bought scanner. They handed the tape over to Representative James McDermott. The contents of the tape were damning, but were those contents the story? Indeed no. McDermott’s alleged wrongdoing was the story. The Florida couple were criminally charged by the United States Justice Department and paid a fine. Boehner sued McDermott for his heinous offense. The history of that litigation,and the smell of Republican judges cooking the books, isn’t pretty.

What’s that you’re not hearing? Why it’s the sound of John Boehner not condemning the right wing for engaging in precisely the sort of activities for which he sued McDermott.

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