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Rell chooses not to run

Some time ago Jim Amann stopped by our Town Committee. He received a lukewarm to frosty reception. In the course of his presentation he opined that Jodi Rell would not run again, and that the Republicans will nominate Lieutenant Governor Mike (who?) Fedele. Well, Jodi has dropped out and Fedele is running, though whether he’ll get the nomination is another question. The crazy thing is that although no one knows who he is, he’s at least as well known as anyone else who might care to run.

As for Amann, well even a broken clock is right twice a day, and today’s developments don’t increase his chances any.

Which brings us to the obvious question. How will the Democrats manage to blow it this time? We have a raft of candidates with high name recognition and generally high approval. There are no Republicans out there with proven state wide vote getting abilities. Let’s face it, even St. Jodi would have had a tough time winning the office if it hadn’t been handed to her; she hadn’t gotten cancer; and the state media hadn’t fallen all over her.

I have faith in the Democrats. Somehow, we will lose. In the meantime, let us pause for a moment of silence to remember Jodi Rell, a governor who never made a move unless she thought she could better position herself with the voters. Oddly enough, it was in part that obsession with shadow over substance that helped bring her to this point, though judging by her fundraising, she’s known for a while that she wouldn’t run again.

Jodi leaves a deeply dysfunctional state behind; a state that has done little to nothing to position itself for the future. A crumbling infrastructure, a backward system of taxation; a failed transportation system; a faltering educational system-all left unaddressed by Jodi and her puppet masters. She won’t be missed.

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