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I get very few comments, and my basic philosophy has been to approve any comment I get, provided it’s not spam. I believe in free speech and I also think that I should be able to take my lumps if the comments are critical.

Today, for the first time, I got a comment that crossed the line. In some respects it’s indecipherable-it’s a comment to a post I put up months ago about the Hygienic Art Show. I have no idea what the commentor is talking about-apparently there was some sort of controversy in which he played a part.

None of that would have bothered me. It was the anti-Semitism that turned me off. I’m not sure what it even had to do with the substance of the post, but there it was.

So, if the person who penned that comment happens to drop by: it won’t be going up. There are limits to everything.