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A few chuckles

I have not written much lately, for one reason or another. Drinking Liberally last night, just being lazy Wednesday, etc. My sloth is largely due to the fact that the news has been extremely depressing lately. Sure, Democratic stupidity makes an easy target, but after a while it wears thin, and what more can you say. Likewise, another Obama broken promise (with a sellout of the Constitution to boot) is old news. The return of McCarthyism? What, you couldn’t see that coming? It’s hard to summon up the outrage and far easier to slip into a clinical depression. The last year has proven only one thing-that our system of government is broken, and no one with the power to change it has the slightest interest in doing so. Our financial system is being re-set to explode again, the earth grows warmer, jobs grow scarcer and all around we are in a total mess. We are so fucked.

But, who needs Prozac? Take some Onion.

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