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Retraction, sort of

Yesterday I wrote a post about a min-controversy involving Merrick Alpert, who was administratively suspended from the practice of law for failing to pay his client security fund fee. Jon Kantrowitz, who posted about the issue on My Left Nutmeg, left a comment to the effect that, in fact, as it turns out, Merrick did make the payments.

So, the factual basis for the piece was wrong. I plead not guilty to jumping to conclusions, as Merrick had admitted, it now turns out erroneously, that he had not paid the fees. However, fair is fair, and it would be unseemly not to set the record somewhat straight. You can read the original post and Jon Kantrowitz’s comment here.

Let me hasten to add that this doesn’t change my overall opinion of Mr. Alpert, though I am inclined to agree with Kantrowitz that it’s not a totally bad thing that he’s in the race. However sincere or insincere Alpert may be in espousing progressive positions, he will force Blumenthal to keep his left flank secure. Like so many of his ilk, Blumenthal has already shown an unfortunate tendency to throw principles under the bus. Case in point is his shameful embrace of military tribunals in place of civilian trials for terrorists of the Muslim religion. (Good white American terrorist who manage to survive ramming their planes into buildings or shooting up IRS offices, will, of course, still be entitled to civilian trials).

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