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This doesn’t sound good

From an email I received a few minutes ago:

Hello. I hope that you will help me in researching a possible story for the Hartford Courant.

You are receiving this message because you are listed on the constituent database at the Secretary of the State’s office in Hartford. I have obtained that database via a request under the state Freedom of Information Act.

One of the categories in the database is labeled “HOLIDAY CARD.” There is a notation under that heading of either “TRUE” or “FALSE” next to people’s names – and next to your name in the database, the notation says “TRUE.”

I would be grateful if you would answer BOTH of these questions:

1. Did you ever SEND a holiday card to Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz. If so, how many years did you send her a card?

2. Did you ever RECEIVE a holiday card from Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz. If so, how many years did you receive a holiday card from her?

Again, I appreciate your time and attention. Please respond by reply e-mail. If you have any questions, I will try to answer them, either by e-mail or on the phone. You can reach me by calling 860-241-6524 at The Courant.


Jon Lender

I won’t be responding, but I assume I’m not the only one to get this email.

UPDATE: For some strange reason, the questions did not get reproduced when I cut and pasted the email. I tried several times to cut and paste only the questions, and each time they resisted. I had to reproduce them long hand. Any idea what would cause that? In any event, I have corrected the post. Thanks to Connecticut Bob for pointing that out.

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