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This guy doesn’t like Goldman Sachs

We have the right to free speech in this country. Some of us are dumb enough to actually try to use it, but for the most part its circumscribed within fairly narrow limits by those who have the ability to determine what goes into the discourse. Of course, we like to believe we’re number one in everything, including the values we pioneered. This video puts the lie to any claim we might have, not to free speech, but to a society in which the range of speech than can be heard is as broad as it is elsewhere.

This video (I saw it here and they got it here) is from an English language station originating, apparently, in France. This discussion, about Goldman Sachs, took place in 2009 and the more strident (to be kind) of the commentators makes it clear that it was already widely known that Goldman had been betting against its own clients.

What I find fascinating is the fact that this fellow is getting away with telling the truth about Goldman. He may be strident, but he’s also clearly well informed and knowledgeable. This is the kind of stuff that the gatekeepers keep out of the American discourse. It would be impolite to be so brutally honest about our betters.

I think it’s fair to say that none of us will live to see the folks from Goldman in the dock at the Hague, but Keiser is likely right that they belong there. If you steal enough money, and do it, as Woody Guthrie said, with a fountain pen, then you need fear no real retribution, and rest assured, whatever the result of the recent litigation (and I think they’ll ultimately get themselves off) none of the individuals actually responsible for the scam at issue in the case will ever lose a dime.

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